Wednesday, March 27

38 Weeks

How far along? 38 weeks!  The end is near!
Baby Size: Watermelon (19 - 22 inches, probably 6.5 pounds)
Total weight gain: 33.6 pounds
Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks? No, at least not that I can see.
Sleep: Not so great anymore.  I'll usually sleep in our bed for the first part of the night, till about 2-4 in the morning then move to the love seat we have in our room and sleep there the rest of the night/morning.
Best moment this week: Had our final doctor's visit earlier this week and baby's heartbeat is still beating strong and healthy.

Miss Anything? Sleeping comfortably.
Movement: Yes, she's still moving all the time.
Food cravings: Not really.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No

Gender: Girl!
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Still getting Braxton Hicks

Belly Button in or out? Out
Wedding rings on or off? Off

Happy or Moody most of the time: Still happy!
Looking forward to: Since the baby is still breech, I'm scheduled for a c-section on Tuesday, April 2nd.  I'm not looking forward to the c-section but so looking forward to seeing this little person that I've been baking for the last 38 weeks. 

This will most likely be my last pregnancy post.  Don't think I'll post a 39 weeks one since I'll be at the hospital on the 39th week.  As soon as I get some downtime after the birth, I'll try to post pictures of the baby and all that good stuff!

Tuesday, March 12

36 Weeks

How far along? 36 weeks!  The countdown is on!  At this point, if baby is still breech, due date is in 3 weeks!  Ahhhhhh!!!!!
Baby Size: Large canatloupe (19 - 22 inches, 6 pounds)
Total weight gain: 32.8 pounds
Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Not so great anymore.  I have braxton hicks that's so uncomfortable that it wakes me up a few times a night and of course the once a night to pee thing too.
Best moment this week: Last night when I was half asleep, Park put his hand on my stomach and the baby started doing her dancing/tumbling act and at one point moved so hard that it shook my entire stomach that it made him laugh out loud.  It was really funny. 

Miss Anything? Being able to sleep comfortably on my back and stomach.
Movement: Yes, all the time!
Food cravings: Still the same, juice and ice cream.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No

Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: No 
Symptoms: Some major braxton hicks discomfort.

Belly Button in or out? Out
Wedding rings on or off? Off

Happy or Moody most of the time: Usually I'm happy all the time, but this week has been rough.  I somehow caught a cold and have been feeling miserable :(
Looking forward to: Have a doctor's appointment this afternoon and looking forward to seeing if the baby has changed positions yet.  Last week when I saw the specialist and had been cleared for the placenta previa but have a breech baby, the doctor said there's only a 4% chance of her turning to the "right" position. of right now, I have a C-section scheduled for April 2nd, right at 39 weeks.  I can't believe the time is almost here!!!

Tuesday, March 5

35 Weeks

How far along? 35 weeks
Baby Size: Large cantaloupe (19 - 22 inches and exactly 5 pounds after yesterday's doctor's visit)
Total weight gain: 32.2 pounds
Maternity clothes? Yes
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Still the same.
Best moment this week: Seeing the baby again yesterday and the sonogram tech, Sheila, saying she has a lot of hair!  Plus, I love Sheila this week she said I need to gain more fat so it'll be easier to view the belly.  I told her I've gained over 30 pounds, she replied, "where?!"  So unlike the lady at Costco over the weekend.  She kept staring at me then finally said, "you're due any minute, right?"  I said, "still have 5 more weeks."  The look of shock on her face when I said I still have 5 more weeks.  Yes, lady!  5 more weeks!  I'm petite so the baby has nowhere to go but out!  Mind your business and move along!  And...end rant.

Miss Anything? Sleeping on my stomach.
Movement: Yes, she's still doing her dance and tumbling act.
Food cravings: Still juice and ice-cream
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not anymore! So glad that that's over!

Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Getting lots of braxton hicks.

Belly Button in or out? Out out out
Wedding rings on or off? Off

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy happy happy

Looking forward to: I wouldn't really say that I'm looking forward to this, but have another doctor's appointment this week.  I'm going to see a specialist for my partial placenta previa.  My doctor just want me to get a second opinion to make sure that I am still partial and as of yesterday, baby is still breech.  So basically if I am still partial and she's still breech, I'll have a c-section, which we already scheduled for yesterday.  If I check out fine and baby is in position, I will have a natural birth.  So wish me luck!!

Saturday, March 2

34 Weeks

How far along? 34 Weeks, 3 days
Baby Size: Large cantaloupe (19 - 22 inches, 5.5 pounds)
Total weight gain: 32 pounds
Maternity clothes? Yes!  I live in my leggings!
Stretch marks? No 
Sleep: Still the same
Best moment this week: Baby showers!  We just had one a couple of days ago thrown by Park's co-workers and will have another one this weekend with our friends

Miss Anything? Feeling comfortable
Movement: Yes, she's practicing her dance moves.
Food cravings: Still orange juice and chocolate ice-cream
Anything making you queasy or sick: No

Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: No 
Symptoms: Lots and lots of braxton hicks

Belly Button in or out? Out
Wedding rings on or off? Officially off now.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Still happy all the time!
Looking forward to: Baby shower this weekend!  Can't wait to see all our friends and just hang out!