Wednesday, August 21

20 Weeks

Today Alyssa is 20 weeks and 1 day old, which was when the sonogram picture was taken.  It was also the day we found out we were having a girl that I announces at 21 weeks.

Alyssa had her 4 month check up on Monday and another round of shots.  She is now 14 pounds and 9 ounces.  She was such a happy girl when we were waiting for the doctor.  She was playing, laughing, talking.  That happiness disappeared when she got her shots!  One in each of her thighs.  She cried so hard no sound came out.  It was so heartbreaking to see her cry like that!  I picked her up right after the nurse put the Band-Aid's on her and she stopped crying immediately.  She was fine the rest of the day, happy and playing with grandma and grandpa. 
What's New:
  • Started laughing out loud one week before her 4 month birthday
  • Reaches out to grab her toys and immediately putting it in her mouth
  • Loves clasping her hands together
  • Super curious
  • Easily distracted when nursing, she likes to unlatch and see what's going on around her then back to nursing then unlatch to try to get my attention if I'm not looking at her.  Once I look at her and smile, she'll smile at me and go back to nursing
  • Swats at her toys when laying on her play gym
  • Can sit on her own with support
  • Loves dancing with mommy and daddy
  • Loves sucking her thumb, index and middle fingers
  • Loves biting her bottom lip
  • And loves hitting her stomach while getting her diaper changed or what we call "playing her tum tum drum"
Sitting on my own!

Tuesday, August 6

3 1/2 Month Family Session

Two of my biggest regrets are 1) not getting pictures done while I was pregnant and 2) not doing a newborn session for Alyssa.  I adore all the newborn pictures that you can find when searching online.  When they are that little,  it's easy to manipulate them into all these cute little positions.  One of my friends recently had twin girls and she had their pictures done and that's when I was kicking myself for not setting one up for Alyssa.  What's done is done and I can't turn back the time so I just have to move forward.  That's when I went on a crazy search for a newborn / family photographer.  And one was recommended by Park's cousin Jackie (HI!) and I'm so glad I asked.  We met up with Angelina with Asterisk Photography.  Our meeting was more like hanging out with a friend.  After chatting for about two hours, we decided on a day.  Angelina was going on vacation the week Alyssa turned 3 months so our session was to take place when she was 3 1/2 months. 

The day of the shoot, the weather was sunny and bright but half way through, it started storming!  Park and I were really concerned about how the picture were going to turn out.  We know taking pictures in natural light is best, and our house is filled with great natural light.  When that storm hit, our house became dark.  Now looking back, I don't even know why we bothered with the worry.  The pictures turned out GREAT!!!  You can't even tell that it was dark!  Some of the moments Angelina caught on camera will be cherished forever! 

Here are some of my favorites!


ROARRRR...are you scared yet?
Love the expression, love the legs!


I'm hungry!! Where's my milk?!!




Love this perspective


One year ago yesterday was when I took that pregnancy test that changed my life for the better.  Now I can't imagine my life without this little babe.