Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!! I have been scouring pinterest the last few week for a fun project for St. Patrick's Day. Once I had what I wanted to make, I went out and got plain white shirts for the kids, then made my design and painted them on the shirts. And here are the results!
This was such a fun project and couldn't wait for the holiday to come for the kids to wear them. I'm very happy with the way they turned out but if I could do it again, I would have done several coats instead of just one. After washing the shirts, the colors are fading a bit. I already have their Easter shirts designed and will go over it with several coats of paint this time. And I'm very excited about the Easter shirts too! Here's Cooper modeling mommy's work. Excuse his red face, he couldn't stop rubbing them this morning.
Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture of Alyssa. She was miss fuss this morning. It all started when we were all ready to go downstairs to get ready to leave. I picked Cooper up but miss fuss wanted me to hold her. So Park took the burp cloth that was on my shoulder and I handed Cooper over. Right when Park took Coop, he burped and proceeded to throw up all over Park (who was already dressed for work). So I took him back so Park could change but Alyssa was not happy that I was still holding her brother. After a minute or two, I was able to convince her to head down the stairs on her own. Once the 3 of us got downstairs, she immediately went to play with her toys. I let her play for a few minutes while I strapped Coop in his car seat. Once he was strapped in, I went to get Alyssa but she REFUSED to get out of her Cozy Coupe. I had to drag her out of there and she did not appreciate that. She started to cry big fat tears and would not let me put her jacket on. I was able to force one arm in but she kept her arms crossed and I couldn't get the other arm in. After a few minutes of struggling with her, Park stepped in knowing that my patience meter was full and about to explode. He was able to calm her down and got her jacket on. That was how my day started, how was yours? :)