Friday, May 3

One Month Check Up

Alyssa had her one month check up this morning and everything went well.  She is now 9 pounds 13.5 ounces, 21.25" long.  The most painful event that took place during today's check up was getting her second hepatitis shot.  Her first one was done at the hospital right after birth and I was not there to witness the shot.  During today's second shot, she cried bloody murder!!!   It broke my heart to see her cry like that.  Just like the nurse said, "this shot will hurt mommy more than it will hurt the baby" and so true was that statement!  For her two month check up next month, she will have to endure another and last shot.  I'm so glad it's the last one because I'm not sure if I'll be able to handle seeing her go through that again.  Maybe I'll just start sending dad to all her check ups that needs shots! :)

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