Tuesday, November 12

7 Months

Alyssa turned 7 months on November 2nd and is 32 weeks today.  I've slacked off this month on posting on her 7 month birthday but better late than never, right? :)
What's new:
  • Loves playing peek-a-boo and knows to cover her face and uncover.
  • She's been scratching the crap out of her right ear that we've put socks on her hands before putting her down for the night, but they never stay on for long.  She's figured out how to pull it off!
  • Caught her first cold right before Halloween with a temperature of 102 that lasted for 3 days.
  • Was a yellow jacket for Halloween.  I think this costume is very fitting since I'm always calling her my busy bee.

  • Tried kiwi

  • Knows the sign for "milk".  She was hungry and wanted some so she signed for it.
  • Knows how to give kisses and by kisses, I mean she tries to eat your face!  She'll lean in with her mouth open to "kiss" you.
  • She shows her love and affection for you by putting her hand on you and leans her head into you.
  • Is very close to crawling!
  • She's able to pull her bib off.
  • Tried puff cereal and is able to grab and successfully put it in her mouth once or twice but gags when she tastes the cereal.  We think she does that because she's not used to that much flavor.  Everything she's eaten so far are pretty bland.  It's probably why she's not liking fruits yet.
  • Her first official word is Dada!!

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