Friday, September 12

27 Weeks

How far along? 27 Weeks and 3 days
Baby Size: Cauliflower (14.5 inches, 2lbs)
Total weight gain: 15.8 pounds
Maternity clothes? Yes, have started wearing my maternity leggings and jeans but mostly dresses

Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Ok to good.  
Best moment this week: Learning that "Peanut's" cheeks are starting to fill out and has a head full of hair!

Movement: Oh yes!  Lots and lots of movement, all the time, nonstop
Food cravings: Still in my watermelon phase but still always craving ice cream (chocolate) or almost anything chocolate related and french fries.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No

Labor Signs: Started getting Braxton Hicks last night

Symptoms: None
Belly Button in or out? Out.  
Wedding rings on or off? On but only wearing my wedding band

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and tired

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