Friday, December 19

One Month

Happy one month birthday little man!  This month has passed by in a blur of sleepless nights, feedings, diaper changes, and lots of spit ups but it's to be expected for the first month.  I can say he and Alyssa are the complete opposite at this age. Cooper does not like sleeping in his crib but loves sleeping with mommy and daddy. He loves to be held and loves to snuggle. He grunts and cries a lot more than his sister and he hates diaper changes! 

Alyssa loves her little brother so so much!  It's so cute watching her with him. She always wants to hold Cooper and the last few days has taken to just putting her nose on his cheek since she sees us do the same thing. It warms my heart seeing how much she loves Cooper. 

Cooper had his one month well check up yesterday and he is slowly gaining weight! He is now 7 pounds and 8.5 ounces!  Yay for nice weight gain! I guess all that on demand feedings weren't for nothing! And he is very demanding, always wanting to nurse! But as long as he is gaining weight, I really don't mind :)

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