Monday, July 27

Weekend Recap

This past weekend was just fill with building blocks, playing outside, and just enjoying each other.  We didn't have any plans so just took it easy.  We spent Saturday lazing around the house.  Alyssa helped dad mow the lawn for a little bit then she got bored and wanted to ride one of her many riders.  We couldn't go far since Cooper was inside napping.  Once we woke up, I was able to take both kids around the neighborhood for a walk.

On Sunday, I stayed home with the kiddos in the morning while dad went mountain biking with some friends.  Later that afternoon, we decided to let Cooper try some puffs.  He enjoyed them very much and was successful a couple of time getting it in his mouth by himself.  Cooper is always so happy when he see his sister. 


After puffs/snacks, we went outside to have a dance party while dad washed cars.  And that was pretty much our weekend.

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