Tuesday, November 13

19 Weeks & My Birthday!

How far along? 19 weeks
Total weight gain: 9 pounds after last night's feast with my family
Maternity clothes? Some, still wearing regular clothes for work and maternity bottoms on weekends

Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Same as before
Best moment this week: Feeling some movements!

Miss Anything? Same, coffee
Movement: YES! Some fluttering!
Food cravings:  Nothing really this week, although I made some homemade fries and they were delish!
Anything making you queasy or sick: No

Gender: My aunt thinks I'm going to have a girl and Park thinks a boy!
Labor Signs: No

Symptoms: No
Belly Button in or out? Still in for the time being.  It is fighting a losing battle...
Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!!  But I did have a couple of hormonal outbursts.  My family had been planning on celebrating with me for my birthday last night and Park found out late last week that he had to be out of town and won't be back till tonight and all of a sudden, I just started crying!! What?! Crazy hormones! And it happened again a couple of days ago when we were talking and remembering that he wouldn't be celebrating with me, got the tears going again.  Oh boy!
Looking forward to: Sonogram next week!!!!

And now on to my birthday...

Had a wonderful  and delicious dinner with my entire family.  Uncle, aunts, cousins, everyone that are in town.  It was great to be able to celebrate with them and had a wonderful time.   My youngest aunt (I have a lot!) bought me my favorite cake.  We call it the Chinese Cake, which is fruit filled sponge cake with whipped cream icing.  It's perfect for my family because it's not too sweet. 

At the end of dinner, we were served these peach buns filled with red bean.  I didn't try them last night.  I was just way too full after my slice of cake, but I will try them tonight. 

My 3rd aunt made me an entire pot of my favorite family dish, the sticky rice.  I can't believe I got the entire pot!  So excited!  I'm actually having it for lunch today! Happy birthday to me!  :)

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