Wednesday, June 12

First Day at Daycare

Tuesday was her first day at daycare.  Dad dropped her off since the daycare is located downstairs from dad's office.  Alyssa did really well on her first day.  The teachers said she was really happy and active the entire time there.  She only napped for an hour and a half the entire day!  She was so curious of her surroundings.  Tuesdays and Thursdays are "water play" day at the daycare.  She was out at the playground and had her toes dipped in the baby pool.  Her teacher later told Park that she did not like that at all!  Park was able to visit her during his lunch break.  He was able to feed her a bottle and the entire time he was holding her, she was talking to him trying to tell him about her day!  After her feeding she was milk drunk but still didn't go down for a nap.  This girl is just too social! 

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