Monday, June 3

Two Months

Alyssa is two months old!  I love this picture because of the cracks me up!!  At two months old, Alyssa is probably 12 pounds now.  We will know for sure when we have her two month check up a week from today.  She does a really good job of holding her head up nowadays.  It's still a little wobbly when you pick her up, but during tummy time she's able to hold her head up for long periods of time.  She also does the same thing when we put her over our shoulder during burps.  The other night Park was playing with her and Alyssa started to get really fussy and she started to roll over from her back to her tummy and actually succeeded!  For weeks now, she would try to roll over but her shoulder was always what stops her but guess when she's really mad, she's able to kick herself over!   She still rejects the paci but she has found her right fist that she likes to suck on every once in a while.  When we put her down on her play mat, she's figured out how to make all the toys above her move without having to hit it with her hand.  She would kick the arch bar that holds the toys to make them all move and make noise.  We love it when she interacts with us.  We love talking to her and see her smile and "talk" back.  It's so much fun to watch her get bigger and bigger by the day and see all the things that she's learned.  We love this little girl so much and love being her parents.  

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