Happy 7 months little Cooper man!
What's new:
Holds his own bottle.
Rolls over from back to tummy and tummy to back.
Loves eating solids - I didn't introduce a single veggie/fruit thing with him like I did with Alyssa, I just went all in. I have been mixing fruits and vegetables together for him and his all time favorite is this combo: apples, blueberries, baby kale and spinach.
Able to get on his hands and knees
Loves to talk and says abababah
First official word is Dada!!!
We have a crawler! Well...it's more of an inchworm craw or as his teacher says, "it looks like The Worm (the dance move) but in slow motion!" And by the way - I LOVE THAT SMILE AT THE END!!!
Sister and brother are obsessed with each other!