I haven't been feeling very well for the last week and a half. It all started last Monday when I felt dizzy. Didn't think anything of it till the next day. I had just gotten home from work and sat down, then all of a sudden, I heard this humming noise in my right ear and felt my head started to spin. Then the entire room was spinning. What felt like maybe an hour of spinning was probably only about a minute and a half. And I threw up immediately afterwards. And everyday since, I would have the humming then a little spinning. The next day after the major spinning episode, I called my doctor and spoke with the nurse several hours later. I knew it wasn't anything to be concerned about since it took so long for the nurse to get back to me. She told me it's most likely anemia. All the symptoms listed like tiredness, dizziness, shortness of breath - you name it, I felt it! That very night, I made myself a very delicious pan seared piece of rib eye, for the iron. It was so good, with a really good crust on the outside and tender and juicy on the inside, mmm...! My mouth is watering just thinking about it!
Yesterday I had my 29th week check up. The check up was mainly for the blood sugar test or Glucose screening. I've heard some horrible stories about how awful this test was because they make you drink this way too sugary drink. So I went into this a little nervous. My nurse asked me what flavor I wanted, orange or fruit punch. I chose fruit punch. And you know what? It tasted like fruit punch juice drink! It wasn't too sugary or disgusting at all! That I was happy about. Once I finished my drink, the nurse pricked my finger for a little blood sample and was able to find out right away that I was anemic. I was borderline before I got pregnant and now with the baby needing the iron, she's taking what I need so I have to supplement that with iron tablets. (While I'm writing this, I got a call from my doctor's office telling me that I FAILED my glucose screening!!! Again, I was borderline!! That word again, borderline. With me failing the screening, I have to go back again for another test. This time, as the nurse told me, it will be a three hour test with the super sugary drink that I've heard so much about. Boo!)
After the finger prick, I was rushed over to the sonogram office for another check up since I had about half an hour left before the nurse had to draw my blood for the screening. At this sonogram check up, we were able to see the baby again and WOW she got big! It was looking like she's starting to get a little cramped in there. The tech that I got, Sandy, is awesome! She's the only one that will switch from the traditional black and white view to the colored 4D Real Time view. Baby girl is starting to develop the fat under the skin and is looking like there will be some cheeks to pinch! I'm so excited and can not wait to meet her! Baby is right on target with her development and is three pounds.
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She was not happy about getting her picture taken. Her face was scrunched up! |
After my sonogram, I hiked it back to the doctor's office where the nurse drew two vials of blood and a Tdap vaccine that helps protect against the whooping cough. After that, I finally got to see the doctor or the PA for this particular visit. I love Courtney, she's awesome. I was seeing her before I got pregnant and it was nice to be scheduled to see her because I also got to see her nurse. During the visit with Courtney, I told her about the dizziness and the room spinning. She listened to my story and said it sounds like vertigo and asked if my sinuses has been bothering me. She recommended taking Sudafed to help clear up the sinus. So I'm hoping this works and this spinning, dizziness all goes away.
My next appointment is the 1st of February for the three hour glucose test. I'm told that most women fail the screening and pass the test so wish me luck!
Yes. Remember that all too well!!! I passed with all my kids but one, Joshua. Like you, I was borderline fail! The 3 hr test is tedious so bring a good book! OH, and avoid simple sugar. :) Hey Sam, have you been taking prenatal vitamins from the beginning? Tell Park you need a Ribeye every night for dinner! :)That sounds yummy...